Dioli Outdoor Rug

Warm neutral hues adorned with intricate patterns. Following a time-tested technique and tradition dating back thousands of years, each hand-knotted rug can take two to three master weavers five to six weeks to complete, depending on the size and intricacy of each piece. Every hand-knotted rug is designed to age beautifully over time, making them heirlooms to be passed down for generations. Available in a choice of Small (8'x10'), Medium (9'x12'), or Large (10'x14') size variations.


 ▪ Small (5'X8'): W:60" x D:0.50" x H:96"
 ▪ Medium (8'X10'): W:96" x D:0.50" x H:120"
 ▪ Large (9'X12'): W:108" x D:0.50" x H:144"

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